Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Financial Blizzard is on its way

A Financial Blizzard is on its Way: “If Silver Breaks $18 it will Trade between $18 and $23 before Christmas”
Imagine lining your holiday stocking stuffers with some great silver or gold news for you long term or even first-time precious metals investors? “The potential for excellent upswing in precious metals is on the horizon,” says James Burbage, III. “The price of silver is making a quicker than anticipated run at the $21.34 per ounce high made in March of 2008,” observes Burbage who has made three accurate market calls on the performance of gold and silver since October 9th 2008. Almost one year to the day, Burbage’s silver recommendation yielded a 22 percent price increase reflected in a $2.94 jump from its original price on March 23, 2009 when the precious metal was trading at $13.31.

Then again, at the end of Q1 ’09, with his published March 09, 2009 silver recommendation, Burbage forecast silver “trading within the $15 - $18 price range within in the next 90 days” via his announcement on Business Wire. Barely three months later, on June 3rd, 2009, silver went from $13.31 and broke the $16 mark, landing on $16.25.
Today, Burbage sees silver poised to make a new high since March 08. “With silver nudging the $18 mark, if it breaks through we’ll see silver trading between $18 and $23 before Christmas,” says Burbage.
With respect to Gold making a new all time high of $1,062 an ounce, Burbage reaffirms the notion that inflation and uncertain geopolitical circumstances are factors in the steady rise and its new peak This major move to a new gold price high is also supported by an interest rate hike in Australia coupled with the current simmering geopolitical tension between Iran and Israel.
Everyone Wants in the Precious Metals Market -- Now
With clients around the world, including large institutions, and a thriving retail consumer clamoring for entrée to precious metals at this time, Burbage observes that for investors interested in precious metals there is always a market to buy into. But he also points out that real wealth is made by timing and the magnitude of the various economic and geopolitical situations of the day. Clearly, the metals market moves to new and near new highs continues to reflect the historical support that gold and silver represent not just a good opportunity for investors, small and private, or large and institutional, but that precious metals are in fact the safe haven for which they have always been known.
Between the two precious metals, however, despite the huge discrepancies in price, the fact remains that silver historically has always outperformed gold. “The recent move in Gold should be viewed as a precursor of the large move that is coming very soon in silver,” says Burbage.
News that Moves the Metals Markets
The following is a perfect and timely example of the types of economic and geopolitical circumstances that move the metals markets. Recently a British newspaper reported that Gulf Arab states were in secret talks to abandon the U.S. currency in the oil trade. Burbage points out that, “Even a rumor of this type of activity that’s not even confirmed can cause a massive volatile reaction in the markets, causing an upward swing in gold and silver prices.”
“History is being made in precious metals right now,” says Burbage, “when most investors are still looking at stock with meager ROI’S, precious metals are not only on the move, but also represent great value and tremendous opportunity.”  Burbage forecasts that a Precious Metals Financial Blizzard is on its way. “If gold is acting as the ultimate world currency these recent price levels in gold and silver are only the first snow flake and what a great way to start the holidays and New Year.”

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