Monday, January 9, 2012

Ongoing Health Checklist: Eliminate Aluminum

I'll continue to accumulate lessons learned and to implement in our daily lives in one place.  This list will be cumulative, ie, I'll continue to add to it if I feel it needs to be included in our diet routine.  First off, I just learned that we can eliminate Aluminum from our bodies.  Aluminum is found in ALL our vaccines, a bunch of creams, and other beauty products, smoking....

Aluminum toxicity leads to Alzheimers, MS, Chronic Fatigue....among others....these diseases didn't exist in the early paleo years.

- Drink Volvic Water (because it contains high levels of silica and this has been found to flush out Aluminum.  1 liter per day is enough)
- Eat ORGANIC cucumber, this has the same effect.

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